Denmark – Harder immigration rules for Muslims: opposition

In another sign that immigration is going to once again dominate the political picture, Venstre’s Inger Støjberg said there should be a difference in how Denmark welcomes “a Christian American or Swede and a Muslim Somali or Pakistani”.

Denmark’s largest opposition party, Venstre, is calling for the nation to differentiate its immigration policies based on religion.

Venstre’s political spokeswoman Inger Støjberg wrote an op-ed published in Berlingske on Monday in which she said that it should be more difficult for non-Western immigrants with Muslim backgrounds to come to Denmark.

“It is not necessary to set the same requirements for everyone, because as a general rule there is a big difference in the ability and will to integrate between a Christian American or Swede and a Muslim Somali or Pakistani,” she wrote.

Støjberg said it was important to talk frankly about immigration issues.

“To say it directly, it is primarily Muslim immigrants who do not value democracy and freedom. In certain environments, they directly oppose it,” she wrote. “Too many non-Western immigrants with Muslim backgrounds do not want our freedom-orientated society model.”

Støjberg suggested that Denmark should adopt an immigration approach that makes it easier for Westerners and harder for Muslims.


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