Jeff Sessions: Politicians Who Enable Obama’s Amnesty Agenda Will Have ‘Political Heads’ Severed in Nov. (Video)

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) warned his colleagues in Congress that Americans will vote them out of office in November if they do not act this week to thwart President Barack Obama’s plans to grant work permits and amnesty to up to eight million more Americans via executive fiat.

“In November, some people are going to be wondering how their political heads were severed from their shoulders if they don’t listen to what the American people are saying,” Sessions declared on Breitbart News Sunday.

Sessions told host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that those in Congress who enable Obama’s amnesty agenda will have to “defend themselves” in November “if they refuse to take action, and it’s going to be hard to do.” He emphasized that “with an election coming up in November, there can be some messages sent” because “the one thing politicians worry about in Washington is losing elections.”

Sessions, who has relentlessly fought for American workers throughout the illegal immigration fight, cited America’s already generous immigration policy and said Americans are not against immigration but the country just cannot absorb so many workers when the economy is not doing well.

He noted, as U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow has said, that massive illegal immigration would hurt African-Americans the most. Sessions also said that Americans of Hispanic descent who are trying to move up the economic ladder would also be devastated.


Complete text and video linked here.

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