Elections Are Coming And Republicans Are Wasting Their Time (Again) by David Horowitz

If there is a racist party in America, it is the Democratic Party, which imposes racial animosity on virtually every aspect of American life. It is the Democratic Party and its teacher union base that has trapped millions of Hispanic and African American children in failing schools. They are there because their parents can’t afford to do what Democratic officials all the way up to the White House do: send their children to private schools where they will get an education.

It’s three and a half months to election time, and Republicans are spinning their wheels over whether they should appear moderate or loaded for bear, whether they should take the high road or the take-no-prisoners low road.

If you are a Republican candidate the first and most important thing to understand is this: It really doesn’t matter. Mitt Romney was a high-road candidate like every Republican presidential nominee since Ronald Reagan’s second run. Republicans love to tell uplifting stories that highlight the virtues of the opportunity society they intend to restore when elected. Well and good. But who is going to listen to your story when your opponents are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to portray you as a woman-hater, a racist, and a champion of the selfish rich?

Unless Republicans are thinking about an answer to this attack, they are wasting their time. Of course sometimes Democrats screw up so big they hand Republicans the election, and it doesn’t matter what their strategy is. 2014 may be such an election

But strategy can also swing an unwinnable election, as the Democrats showed in 2012. And there’s no reason to think that Republicans will come up with an answer to the Democrat attacks by 2016.


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