Police Chief Charged With Signing Up Tea Party Leader on Gay Porn Sites

Luce has filed a federal lawsuit against the police chief accusing him of identity theft and violating his First Amendment rights. Kelemen’s attorney did not return multiple calls from CNSNews.com for comment.

Campbell, WI Police Chief Tim Kelemen (center) in court after being charged with unlawful use of a computer to harass a Tea Party member.

A police chief in Wisconsin has been charged with a misdemeanor after he used the name of a local Tea Party leader to create fake accounts on gay dating and pornographic sites, as well as HealthCare.gov and Match.com, to harass him.

Tim Kelemen, chief of police in the Town of Campell in western Wisconsin, faces one count of unlawful use of a computerized communication system, which carries a maximum penalty of $1,000 in fines and 90 days in jail.

However, his attorney. Jim Birnbaum, and Monroe County District Attorney Kevin Croninger have worked out a deal that will allow Kelemen to avoid conviction if he pleads no contest and completes counseling and 40 hours of community service, according to the Associated Press.

Kelemen admits to signing up La Crosse Tea Party leader Greg Luce for the websites, Birnbaum told the Associated Press.


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