Sheriff Joe: Something fishy with this administration (Video)

Blasts Obama for being ‘in bed with Mexico’ in border crisis.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s planned deployment of 1,000 National Guard troops to the border has earned him criticism from Democrats and Mexican officials, the latter who are “seething,” Fox’s Neil Cavuto told Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio today during an interview on the “Your World” program.

Arpaio, recalling his tenure as head of the DEA in Mexico City, said, “We should be across the border,” noting that at one time, U.S. agents worked hand-in-hand with Mexico’s federal police and military on arrests, drug seizures and even gun battles. The two countries “were always operational,” the sheriff said.

“The National Guard, they’re not going there with machine guns. … So, why can’t we send the Border Patrol or the military across the border to work in a bilateral situation? I can’t understand why they are afraid of the National Guard in the United States at the border. It doesn’t make sense.”

“But it does make sense. They don’t like anything we’re doing here.”


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