Three Teens Charged With The Beating Deaths Of Two Homeless Men (Video)

Tafoya said that before they used sticks and a metal fence pole to beat the men, they approached them with cinder blocks raised up over their heads, then smashed the bricks down on the men’s face at least 10 times each.

Police have arrested three teens in the brutal murder of two homeless men who were beat to death as the slept in a vacant lot.

Alex Rios, 18, Nathaniel Carrillo, 16, and Gilbert Tafoya, 15, have all been accused of using bricks, sticks and a metal pole to beat three transients after returning home from a party Friday night, killing two of them.

One of the men was able to escape and call police to report the attack and letting officers know he recognized one of his assailants as a teen who lived in a nearby house. When police arrived at the home, all three teens were there.

Police immediately noticed Tafoya had blood on the waistband of his shorts. After his parents gave officers permission to search the home, officers would find one of the victim’s driver’s license and debit card.

The boys eventually admitted to the attack, with Rios telling them that he was just a lookout. The younger suspects, who are brothers, told police that Rios was full of shit and he’d also participated in the brutal beatings of the men.


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