Review: Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘America’ Not What You Would Expect

In summation, “America: Imagine the World Without Her” does the impossible by outdoing D’Souza’s previous film that sent shockwaves throughout the political world.

Dinesh D’Souza’s newest endeavor, America: imagine the World Without Her, hit theaters in time for July 4th, which was, undoubtedly, no coincidence. The film offers some tremendous insight into what the world would look like without the U.S. but more than anything, focused on debunking the obsolete and tired narratives that too-often paint America as a bully and a thief.

The movie takes on a slightly different tempo than his previous runaway hit, 2016: Obama’s America, which served as a scathing indictment of the 44th president and exposed the murky waters of Barack Obama’s past and strung-together a history of radical ideology that, when tried in the past, came off as the product of the tinfoil-hat adorned.

Like his previous film, D’Souza offers a careful and thought-provoking analysis that was largely divorced from semblances of emotional rhetoric, upon which too many political “documentaries” are based. Scam-artists and propagandists like Michael Moore have, for too-long, relied heavily upon theatrics and rhetoric as a substitute for compelling discussion.

With this film and the one before it, D’Souza has effectively reinvented the genre of documentary-making by approaching the subject matter in a dispassionate and almost clinical sense that leaves the viewer with a delightfully exhausted feeling at the end, having been infused with a flood of new perspectives strung together with a compelling narrative.


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