Mark Levin GOES OFF On Obama: ‘This Is A Very Sick Man’ (Audio)

Levin concluded by noting that future generations would suffer as a result of Obama’s presidency.

Radio host Mark Levin is furious with both President Barack Obama’s response to recent global turmoil, calling him “a very sick man.”

“None of this has to happen like this,” Levin said. “None of it.”

Levin started by saying that the Obama administration’s “incompetence” has caused the turmoil in Iraq, al-Qaida resurgence in Libya, China’s advances, and the border being flooded by “poor” and “sick” illegal aliens. He then turned his focus on the shot-down Malaysian plane.

“Does it not remind us, yet again, of 9/11 and acts that can occur in this country?” Levin asked. “I’m just saying, these tragedies are not tragedies. They are attacks, they’re intentional.”

The conservative talk show host warned that an attack is going to happen in the U.S. because, “among other things, Obama is into his fundraisers, like tonight. In the middle of all of this, he cannot cancel it!”

Obama’s fundraising during the international turmoil was similar to his fundraising trip to Las Vegas after the Benghazi attacks, according to Levin.


Complete text linked here.

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