Has Citizenship Jumped The Shark?

In addition to the jobs they will fill, they will get sick. Everyone, citizen or not, can show up at an emergency room and get health care. The difference is a citizen will get a bill, but an illegal alien will not. A citizen is required to buy insurance; an illegal alien is not. A citizen who doesn’t buy insurance eventually will be forced to pay a fine for not following the law and may have to declare bankruptcy to pay for services received. Illegal aliens can…well, you get the idea.

Growing up, I was – as I assume you were – inundated with lists of “the benefits of citizenship.” The list was long and capped, naturally, by the fact the United States was the best, strongest, freest nation on the planet.

Being an American was a source of pride. But is it still? Do the benefits of citizenship still outweigh the alternative?

As progressives cheer the dissolution of our southern border and, by extension, our sovereignty, it’s worth looking at the benefits of non-citizenship illegal aliens now enjoy and comparing them to the responsibilities of citizenship.

Most people don’t like paying taxes. But it’s the price of citizenship, and if we don’t we face losing our property and jail time. We also do it because the government has legitimate functions that only it can do and that need to be paid for. It also does way more than it needs to or should, but that’s an argument for another time.

But the people flooding our border haven’t paid taxes and, to be honest, have no real prospects for paying taxes in the future, if they stay.

Most do not speak English, have no education and no real skills to contribute to the economy. No doubt some have potential in the future. But we don’t live in the future, and the total number who will fulfill that potential are almost as rare as unicorns.


Complete text linked here.

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