Beck. Cruz. And the Teddy Bears by Dennis Michael Lynch

“So why am I so upset with Beck and Cruz? I love the idea of helping people, but I say lets help Americans. Lets start with the poor children who don’t have toys, who rarely eat hot meals, who don’t have thousands of dollars available to pay a human smuggler.”

Lets begin with a few facts:

1) 92,000,000 Americans are out of the workforce.

2) 50,000,000 American are on welfare.

3) The cost of illegal immigration is well over 100,000,000,000.00 per year (and that’s 2010 estimates).

4) Of the nearly 500,000 illegal aliens who have been apprehended at the border in fiscal year 2014, a mere 15% have been unaccompanied children. The rest have been families units (minimum of one adult and one child).

5) Most family units have been released into the general public with no health screening.

6) Most illegal aliens who are apprehended make the same claim, “I flee from my country because I fear for my life.” Border agents tell me once the investigation goes a bit longer, the truth is revealed: The illegal aliens come here because they WERE TOLD America is offering amnesty.


Complete text linked here.

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