‘America’ Filmmakers Demand to Know Why Google is Getting Their Search Results Wrong

Shocked but not surprised to learn that the NY Times, Costco and now Google are all working to keep Dinesh D’Souza’s movie and book away from the American people…

The move comes on the heels of Costco allegedly removing the movie’s source material, Dinesh D’Souza’s book “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” from its store shelves.

Lawyers representing Dinesh D’Souza’s newest film, America, have fired off a letter to Google demanding that the search engine correct problems that they say are hampering the ability of consumers to figure out where the movie is playing.

The letter claims that Google has been confusing America with 2016: Obama’s America, which was D’Souza’s first movie and has been out of theaters for two years, while Lionsgate released America on July 2 and it is currently playing in about 1,100 theaters nationwide.

Google, according to the letter, has been “misdirecting many users who mistakenly believed the film was not playing in theaters. We understand this was brought to your attention for correction five days ago, yet the problem persists.”

The letter, obtained exclusively by The Hollywood Reporter, was sent Monday to Google chief legal officer David Drummond and comes from AmericaFilm LLC.


Complete text linked here.

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