Town won’t welcome illegals without a fight

Residents vow to throw themselves under buses to stop federal dumping of immigrants.

They’ve already turned the buses away once, and they’re prepared to do it again.

Murrieta, a booming city in Southern California that has grown from only 2,000 residents in 1980 to over 100,000 residents today, has unwillingly become a microcosm of the nation’s struggle to process the tens of thousands of illegal immigrant minors streaming across the U.S. border.

On July 1, when U.S. officials sought to bus illegal immigrants into Murrieta for processing to relieve the overcrowded centers in Texas, a reported 200 to 300 Murrieta residents stood in the roadway and effectively blocked the buses from delivering their passengers. The buses were forced to turn around and drive to a Border Patrol station instead.

But the feds aren’t relenting, promising more buses will come and setting up police tape and barricades to keep the roads clear.

Many of the residents, however, are not surrendering so easily.

According to a report from KNBC-TV in Los Angeles, many protesters gave up their Independence Day celebrations, or brought their grills and hot dogs with them, to camp out on the bus route and stop the buses again.


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