Henry Rollins: If Saddam Hussein Were Still In Power, There’d Be No ISIS

“You can’t go into a country, wreck it, kill thousands of its citizens and…wish them luck.”

Punk rocker turned actor/filmmaker Henry Rollins is fed up with America’s “love-affair” with war, and he says so in his column featured in LAWeekly.

“America can’t seem to go too many years without a war,” Rollins writes. “It’s a proven revenue generator and gives all those kids something to do.”

The most brazen statement comes by way of Rollins charging that the current issues involving ISIS and Iraq were made possible by the Bush administration’s pursuit of Saddam Hussein. He writes:

It’s tragic and awful, but not all that surprising. When Saddam Hussein and his two dreadful sons were knocked off, a power vacuum was set up. You can’t go into a country, wreck it, kill thousands of its citizens and – on your way out what’s left of the door – tell the survivors that they now live in a democracy and wish them luck. The world just doesn’t work that way. In fact, little of what the Bush administration said would happen in Iraq actually did.

The psychos in ISIS would have never pulled this off if Saddam Hussein were still in power. That’s all behind us now.


Complete text linked here.

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