Pew: 54,200 newspaper, magazine jobs axed since 2003

Washington news bureaus have been a major part of the radical cuts. More than half of the Washington bureaus operated by media outlets have been killed over the last decade, and the remaining often operate with just a handful of reporters, not the dozens of decades ago.

The decade-long devastation of the print news business, crushed by the sagging economy, the evaporation of classified and display advertising, and a reader shift to digital media, has cost at least 54,200 newsroom jobs in newspapers and magazines alone, according to Pew Research.

That figure, buried in a new Harvard University study about the troubles non-traditional reporters have getting congressional, White House and other official press passes to cover news events, is the highest calculation of job losses in American journalism yet.

The June study from Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy refers to a Pew Research Journalism Project report on the state of the media, which focused on the shift to digital platforms and the addition of nearly 5,000 new internet-based news jobs.


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