Is Common Core Good for Kids and Teachers? (Part 5) by Chuck Norris

The feds’ and states’ entanglements in the U.S. public education system have been largely responsible for how today, in just a single generation, 1 in 4 young Americans don’t graduate from high school, 3 in 4 young people are ineligible to serve in the military, 90 million American adults possess below-basic or basic reading skills and the U.S. has gone from No. 1 to No. 12 in the world in regard to how many young people complete their college education.

Advocates of Common Core State Standards love to point out how 45 states and the District of Columbia have voluntarily adopted this new national public school regimen. What they’re not telling you, however, is how federal and state funds were used to muscle its adoption or how expert reviews and efficacy shortfalls have prompted political and educational action in at least 17 of those states to restrict or reverse the tides of CCSS rollout, according to a brand-new report in The Huffington Post.

In August, Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Oklahoma and Utah withdrew from the assessment groups designing tests for the CCSS. And in September, Florida Gov. Rick Scott issued an executive order restricting Florida’s involvement with the CCSS national assessments because of concerns over federal overreach of the program. reported, “Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Utah are all currently considering full withdrawal with other fiscally conservative states sure to follow.”


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