UK Will Celebrate Millennium of Norman Conquest with Muslim Conquest

Shakespeare. Newton. Carroll. It was nice while it lasted.


All it would take was another conquest. And so on the 1000th anniversary of the Norman Conquest, if the Immigration Jihad continues, there will no longer be an England.

A mass influx of migrants has given the UK the fastest-rising percentage of ethnic minority and foreign-born populations.

The report – which also reveals the huge impact of Labour’s open-door policy to immigration between 1997 and 2010 – says foreigners and non-white Britons living here will double by 2040 and make up one third of the UK population.

Prof Coleman pointed to a study which suggests “the crossover for the whole country when the combined population of all ethnic minority groups together would exceed the population of white British will occur at around 2066.

The increase from 2010 to 2050 in the UK – by 22 percentage points – is the highest of the main western countries analysed.

In England and Wales, 25 per cent of births are to foreign-born mothers, the report said. A similar trend is seen in France and Germany.


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