Group Demands DOJ Records Pertaining to Dinesh D’Souza

Judicial Watch files FOIA request and says it will sue if Feds don’t turn over communications regarding the arrest of the conservative filmmaker.

Judicial Watch, a nonprofit group that rose to prominence after suing the Clinton administration about 18 times in the 1990s, has demanded that the U.S. government turn over all records pertaining to Dinesh D’Souza’s movie 2016: Obama’s America as well as his upcoming film, America, hoping to discover whether the conservative filmmaker was targeted by federal agents for retribution.

If Judicial Watch does not get what it seeks in about 30 days, it will sue the U.S. government, said the organization’s president, Tom Fitton.

“It’s unlikely that government bureaucrats will respond as the law requires,” Fitton said. “Too often, we have to sue. A lawsuit is always a viable option.”

2016 was released just ahead of the presidential election two years ago and it portrayed President Barack Obama in a negative light. In January, D’Souza was arrested for making illegal campaign contributions to Wendy Long, who ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate, and several notable people have speculated the arrest was politically motivated, including liberal attorney Alan Dershowitz and Sen. Ted Cruz. Last month, D’Souza pleaded guilty to making illegal campaign contributions and in exchange prosecutors are expected to drop the more serious charges of making false statements to the Federal Election Commission. He’ll be sentenced in about three months and could face more than a year in prison.


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