Obama Hires Lawyers to Aid New Wave of Illegals

The 100 lawyers and paralegals in “justice AmeriCorps” are expected to provide legal advice to help the immigrants get past the legal hurdles and into the United States.

The administration will pay roughly 100 American lawyers to help a growing wave of young illegal immigrants settle in the United States.

The new group, dubbed “justice AmericaCorps,” will “protect the rights of the most vulnerable members of society … particularly young people who must appear in immigration proceedings,” said Attorney General Eric Holder in a Friday afternoon announcement.

“AmeriCorps members will provide critical support for these [border crossing] children, many of whom are escaping abuse, persecution or violence,” according to Wendy Spencer, head of AmeriCorps’ parent group, the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Officials expect up to 60,000 foreign youths, children and mothers to cross the border in the 12 months up to October. In the same period in 2011, roughly 6,000 youths crossed the border.

The inflow is expected to spike up to 130,000 in 2015, and higher if President Barack Obama in 2016 doesn’t try to deter the inflow during the 2014 or 2016 campaigns.

Obama is not expected to block the inflow before the 2014 election, when he will need a high turnout of Latinos to keep the Senate in Democratic hands.


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