Ben Carson Spars with CNN’s Don Lemon Over ‘Controversial’ Comments

Says his statements are “easily verifiable by those who are historical and indulge in reading history.”

Don Lemon did not like the so-called controversial comments made by Dr. Ben Carson comparing Obamacare to slavery. Nor did he like Dr. Carson’s comments on the VA scandal as a “gift from God.” As a guest on Lemon’s CNN Tonight, Carson sparred with the host who was accusing him of ramping up the rhetoric.

Coming out of the clip showing Carson saying Obamacare is “in a way” like slavery “because it is making all of us subservient to the government,” Lemon reacts with confoundment over the comparison. Carson said it shouldn’t be too hard for those who understand the English language:

First of all, if you listen carefully to what I said, I said it is the worst thing since slavery. Now, there are those who will say, he said it is equivalent to slavery, who probably don’t understand how the English language works.

And it is sort of like the kid on the playground at school who runs over the one kid and says, he is talking about your momma, and then he goes to the other kid, he is talking about your momma, so that they can get in a fight, rather than actually concentrating on the issue.


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