Ex-CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Has a New Journalism Job — Should Washington Be Worried?

Attkisson also discussed her upcoming book, “Stonewalled,” which takes an in-depth look at the state of investigative journalism in the U.S. as well as the harassment and surveillance some journalists allegedly face when they attempt to get to the truth.

Former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who famously resigned amid allegations that her reporting critical of the Obama administration was being undermined, is officially returning to the journalism industry as a senior independent contributor with the Daily Signal.

The Daily Signal is a new website created by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. The website intends to shine light on important stories that go “unreported or underreported” by the mainstream media.

In an interview announcing her new job, Attkisson argued she’s an investigative reporter at heart and “quite frankly, in the last couple of years, there just wasn’t the appetite for that kind of reporting.”

“What I’m seeking out now… is the opportunity to bring underserved stories to a broad audience, to an editorial process that doesn’t censor, that doesn’t try to direct a story to go in a certain unnatural direction, but lets the story be told the way the story is naturally occurring,” she added.


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