Carolla Slams Salon, NPR: ‘Do Your Research,’ Stop Race-Baiting (Video) [Language Warning]

On the Monday episode of his podcast, comedian Adam Carolla, author of the new book “President Me: The America That’s In My Head,” slammed NPR and Salon for their race-baiting in interviews he has done with them on. Carolla told the story of an NPR interviewer who tried to paint Carolla as racist based on a character in a sketch on his podcast who Carolla didn’t voice. He chastised NPR saying “do your research” before they call someone a racist, and wondered whether NPR would be willing to air an interview where their employee was embarrassed in such a way.

Carolla also attacked Salon’s piece where they hounded him about under-representation of certain groups in comedy. He pointed out that those who “finger-point” about stereotyping like Salon have no problem stereotyping him as privileged, even though his parents were on welfare and he worked picking up garbage on a construction site. He asked why outlets like NPR and Salon insist on beating the race drum with him even though “it’s not going to work.”

Original source.

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