White Privilege Conference: ‘The Longer You Are in the Tea Party, the More Racist You Become’ (Video)

Friday on The Blaze TV Dana Loesch invited Kyle Olson, Andrew Marcus and Jim Hoft from Progressives Today to discuss the shocking content captured during the 2014 White Privilege Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. Progressives Today went undercover to bring you this shocking video and MUCH MORE.

Would it surprise you to learn that educators were recently taught at the fifteenth annual White Privilege Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, that “racism is central to America;” “the longer you are in the Tea Party, the more racist you become;” and “this country was built on white principles for white people”?

Those are just some of the sound bytes captured by Progressives Today — a joint collaboration between Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and EAG News’ Kyle Olson, who also co-wrote Glenn Beck’s most recent book, “Conform.”

Hoft and Olson teamed up with documentary filmmaker Andrew Marcus to investigate the conference, and aired some of the controversial footage on TheBlaze TV’s “Dana” Friday.

The fifteenth annual White Privilege Conference in Madison, Wisc. featured a speaker who argued, “The longer you are in the tea Party the more racist you become.”

“A lot of teachers that we interviewed … said that their schools were paying them to come,” Hoft remarked. “Teachers from around the country were getting paid to attend this event so that they could go back and spread their ‘wealth of information’ – just garbage – back in the classroom and back in the teacher’s conference room.”


Complete text and video linked here.

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