Chicago Announces Illegal Alien Children Given Preference in Jobs, Internships

In addition to offering the positions, the city is spending money to train their staff in how to provide preferential treatment for illegal aliens.

In a preview of what amnesty holds in store for the rest of America’s middle class and lower income workers, Chicago is putting illegal immigrants in the job pool ahead of many citizen students who would also like to have the opportunity.

In much the same way they or their parents were rewarded for violating American immigration law and given preference over those who lined up to immigrate legally, Chicago is offering internships, volunteer and job opportunities to illegal alien “dreamers.”

In “justifying” the discrimination against American citizens, Mayor Emanuel said, “Chicago is a city that was built by immigrants and I am committed to ensuring that DREAMers have the same opportunities offered by the City to all of Chicago’s youth. We will open our doors to support talented young people who are committed to their education, building their job skills, and bettering their communities.”

Those opportunities include 500 city internships, volunteer, and job opportunities on a year-round basis, as well as over 22,000 summer jobs, internships and training programs.


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