Three candidates America must back by Ann Coulter

Conservatives who ignore amnesty while carping about the debt ceiling, TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), the Internet tax bill or Benghazi are too stupid to help their country.

As those of you who follow my hate mail know, I am opposed to running untested candidates against perfectly good incumbent Republican senators this election cycle. It will be a long time before Republicans have as good a year as this to win a Senate majority.

Unfortunately, we have idiots doing the idiot thing, pretending to be tea partiers, while challenging sitting Republican senators over fairly minor ideological differences.

Anyone opposing an incumbent Republican for any reason other than amnesty is a fraud or an idiot. Right now, immigration and Obamacare are the only things that matter. Since every Republican voted against Obamacare, that leaves only immigration.


Suppose the Senate had passed a bill that would cut Texas out of the Union? Would that get your attention, fake tea partiers? Without Texas, Republicans would immediately lose 38 electoral votes, two senators and 24 members of Congress. (Democrats would lose only 12 House members.)

How would you rate the prospect of repealing Obamacare if Republicans could: Never win another presidential election; never win another majority in the House; and never again win a Senate majority? Oh, and how does the expression “President Nancy Pelosi” grab you?


Complete text linked here.

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