Mark Levin Makes Surprise Call to Breitbart News Saturday

Conservative firebrand, lawyer, constitutional scholar, and top rated syndicated talk radio host Mark Levin made a surprise call into Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 to thank the Breitbart team for the great job they are doing in bringing the conservative message to the people of America.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon and Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, co-hosting the weekly show, were grateful for the call from “The Great One.” Levin said: “I just wanted to call in and say what a great job you are doing in all your different media platforms… And thank God you are out there.” Levin said that he listens to the radio show on Saturday while he is “driving around in circles.”

Bannon said that “coming from you, Mark, it means so much because of how you have been carrying the fight and being one of the strong voices” for conservatism. Bannon called Levin one of the “foundational bedrocks and the pivot point for helping to turn this country around.” Levin thanked Bannon and said, “You are way too gracious.” He said he just wanted to call and say, “Hello.”

Marlow praised Levin as an intellectual and a Constitutionalist who has helped the movement strengthen their fight against liberalism. He said that Levin “arms the citizens” with the hard hitting arguments from an intellectual perspective, advocating for “first principles” of conservatism.

Original source.

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