Mark Cuban thinks the NFL is going under in the next decade

He compared the NFL’s package to the sharp decline in popularity of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire,” reports ESPN.

Billionaire entrepreneur and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban had harsh words Sunday about the future of the NFL. Cuban spoke with reporters before the Mavericks game and was asked about the NFL expanding their television package to let CBS air Thursday night games.

Cuban said, “I think the NFL is 10 years away from an implosion. I’m just telling you, pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. And they’re getting hoggy. Just watch. When you try to take it too far, people turn the other way. I’m just telling you, when you’ve got a good thing and you get greedy, it always, always, always, always, always turns on you. That’s rule No. 1 of business.”


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