Lawsuit Alleges Anti-White Discrimination in Philly DA’s Office

One factor that usually goes into a discrimination claim is proof that the plaintiff is a member of a minority class. “Obviously, this element cannot be used in cases involving ‘reverse discrimination’ against a member of the majority class,” Lype says. “Therefore, several federal Circuit Courts have modified this requirement in ‘reverse discrimination’ cases so as to require that a ‘majority plaintiff’ instead submit proof of ‘background circumstances’ to show that the employer is atypical in that it discriminates against members of a majority class.”

A former ADA has filed suit against District Attorney Seth Williams, claiming he descriminated against her because she’ white.

A former Philadelphia assistant district attorney has filed a lawsuit against her old boss, claiming that District Attorney Seth Williams discriminated against her because she is white.

MK Feeney worked in the District Attorney’s office for 15 years, but claims the climate changed dramatically when Williams was elected to the top post in 2010.

Feeney claims she was fired after getting on the bad side of a favored black employee. According to the lawsuit, Williams instructed the office’s hiring committee to seek candidates who “look like Philadelphians” in the plurality black city.

“Defendants engaged in a policy, practice and custom to consider race in connection with employment decisions,” the suit alleges, “and treat non-white employees more favorable than similarly situated white employees, including . . . disciplining white employees more harshly than non-white employees . . . promoting non-white employees into open positions over qualified white employees . . . removing qualified white employees and replacing them with non-white employees . . . waiving job requirements for non-white employees but not for similarly situated white employees.”


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