Northern Nevada police brace for influx of new gang members

There are many aspects involved in gang migrations. There are even more reasons why people claim gang affiliation. But the consensus among law enforcement is that Latino gangs are emerging in northwestern Nevada, and a growing number affiliate with the Norteqos.

Gustavo Alvizar, 26, drove his car to a residential neighborhood in southeast Reno on Feb. 8 and ordered his 18-year-old passenger to fire shots at a 16-year-old boy in broad daylight, according to a Washoe County District Attorney’s Office criminal complaint.

The boy, Cesar Ortiz-Rodriguez, was killed while running across Capital Hill Avenue toward his mother’s home on the corner Locust Street, authorities said. Shots also were allegedly fired at his 18-year-old friend, who was wounded but survived.

Alvizar and his passenger, Miguel Angel Gonzalez, of Fairfield, Calif., face open murder charges in connection with Ortiz-Rodriguez’s death.

The suspects and Ortiz-Rodriguez were affiliated with rival Latino gangs, authorities said. Alvizar and Gonzalez were Norteqos, and Ortiz-Rodriguez was a Sureqo, authorities said.

For years, Sureqos had a larger population in northwestern Nevada, partly attributed to Southern California migration into Reno during the past three decades, police said.

But several northwestern Nevada law enforcement members from state, county and municipal governments said Norteqo numbers are rising. And that could mean more violence.


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