Mandela too soft on whites, says Mugabe

Robert Mugabe has criticised Nelson Mandela for being too soft on whites in a documentary offering a rare look at the Zimbabwean president.

Robert Mugabe has criticised Nelson Mandela for being too soft on whites in a documentary offering a rare look at the Zimbabwean president.

In a cosy lunch setting with his wife and children, the 89-year-old speaks on a wide range of issues from his controversial hold on power, to his relationships with former British premiers Tony Blair and Margaret Thatcher.

The two-and-a-half hour interview, described in detail by British and South African media ahead of its airing, shows the usually bellicose and sharp-tongued Mugabe as a loving family man.

Dali Tambo, the son of South African anti-apartheid hero Oliver Tambo, produced the documentary, which will be broadcast on South African public television next Sunday.

In the programme Tambo dines with Mugabe’s family at his wife Grace’s dairy farm.

The interview comes just months before crucial general elections in the country which in recent decades has gone from being the breadbasket of southern Africa to its biggest problem child.

One of Africa’s most popular liberation leaders, Mugabe has clashed with the West over controversial policies which saw white-owned farms violently seized over a decade ago.


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