“At least” 54 more Muslim grooming gangs currently active

Once again, the mainstream press are finding it impossible to ignore the continuing news about the Muslim Grooming scandal: Channel 4 have announced that their Dispatches programme (This Thursday at 9pm) will be an hour long ‘special’ on “The Hunt for Britain’s Sex Gangs.” and the Sunday Mirror had not one but two articles on the issue this weekend alone.

This renewed press interest comes as police have announced that they have officers in the North of England preparing to swoop on the biggest paedophile network ever seen in the country. At least 54 evil child grooming gangs are being investigated by police – and that’s just the ones that the police would admit to – not all forces responded to a request for information on this topic; Out of 43 forces in England and Wales, only 31 responded.

Thames Valley Police – who cover Oxford where just last week seven Muslim paedophiles were convicted of sexually abusing young (white) girls as young as 11 – have revealed that they are investigating 14 more gangs. Chief constable Sara Thornton has been quoted as saying: “We are looking at double figures for the number of suspects.”

She went on to say that: “I think the vast majority are men but there are a couple of women who might have been facilitating exploitation.”

Steve Heywood, chief constable at Greater Manchester, has admitted that dealing with child exploitation is now their “number one priority”.


Complete text linked here.

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