Star Trek Into Darkness: a Film About Moral Compass

The film explores some dicey and all-too-familiar scenarios that, in the end, should promote a sense of patriotism in the moviegoer as they ultimately underscore the need for a rule by law, not by men.

Star Trek Into Darkness may feel, to some moviegoers, as if it treks into darkness, as it is at times convoluted. The movie seems to have multiple beginnings and multiple ends, and the sequences can be a bit tricky to follow. But the film does address a number of poignant points that have close comparisons to our contemporary history and to the Christian faith, and for those reasons, the film is redeemed. Plus, one cannot simply ignore some of the more exciting and entertaining moments that will keep moviegoers engaged.

Star Trek Into Darkness gets off to a difficult start for Captain James Kirk (Chris Pine). Kirk has blown the Enterprise’s cover when he rescues his First Officer Spock (Zachary Quinto) from a volcano and is spotted by a primitive culture in the process. Kirk’s actions showed total disregard for Federation rules and the orders of his superiors. As a result of that, and the cavalier manner in which he discusses this rule violation, he earns a demotion, as Captain Pike’s (Bruce Greenwood) first officer, with Spock being reassigned to another ship.

Kirk does not have very long to lick his wounds, however, as tragedy strikes in the form of John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch), a terrorist who targets the Federation, killing a number of its finest officers.

Harrison then retreats into hostile, Klingon, territory that is supposed to be unapproachable by the Enterprise, the “one place we just can’t go,” as observed by Scotty (Simon Pegg), the Enterprise’s engineer.


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