Columnist: Too many educators want our kids to hate America

“University of Southern California professor Darry Sragow preaches hate to his students in his regulation of elections and political finance class, recently telling them that Republicans are stupid, racist losers and that they are angry old white people.”

George Mason University professor of economics Walter E. Williams recently penned an excellent column for North Carolina’s Gaston Gazette that might shed some light on why the Boston Marathon bombers hated America, and students across the country are learning to do the same.

Hating AmericaThe suspects – brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – may have hated America before they allegedly attacked innocent citizens, but Williams points out their attendance at the University of Massachusetts could have helped fuel their hate.

“Maybe they hated our nation before college, but if you want lessons on hating America, college attendance is a good place to start,” Williams wrote. “Let’s take a look at it.”

Williams pointed to University of Hawaii professor Haunani-Kay Trask, who tells his students they “need to think very, very clearly about who the enemy is.

“The enemy is the United States of America and everyone who supports it,” Trask contends.

Princeton University professor Richard Falk believes former President George W. Bush was behind the terrorist attacks on New York City’s twin towers in 2001, and explains the recent Boston bombings are a result of “all kinds of resistance” generated by “the American global domination project.”


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