IRS Not Just After Tea Party … Megyn Kelly Exposes List of Targets (Video)

According to an inspector general’s report on the IRS, the practice of focusing on such groups began in early 2010 with the IRS looking into Tea Party and Patriot groups. By June of 2011, the list of those being targeted had drastically expanded and it included groups that focused on government spending, government debt and taxes.

On Monday’s America Live, Megyn Kelly probed the scandal surrounding the IRS targeting conservative groups.

According to an inspector general’s report on the IRS, the practice of focusing on such groups began in early 2010 with the IRS looking into Tea Party and Patriot groups. By June of 2011, the list of those being targeted had drastically expanded and it included groups that focused on government spending, government debt and taxes.

The IRS also wanted extra scrutiny on groups whose goals included limiting government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, anyone criticizing how the country was being run, and anyone lobbying to “make America a better place to live.”

Earlier Monday, President Obama addressed the reports, saying that if they are in fact true, they are outrageous and people will be held accountable. Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs reacted, saying, “This is an agency with an enemies list. This is Nixonian. This is a president whose inner Nixon is being revealed. This is a government that is out of control.”


Video and complete text linked here.

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