Dutch Study: Anti-Racism Instruction in Schools Increases Discrimination

Brenda Walker: “Anti-Racism” education is having the reverse effect of what is said to be intended, according to recent research. Emphasizing human tribal differences apparently makes kids dwell on those characteristics to a degree that becomes negative for normal social interaction.

So how is all that diversity hectoring in schools working out?

Not very well. In fact, it is having the reverse effect of what is said to be intended, according to recent research. Emphasizing human tribal differences apparently makes kids dwell on those characteristics to a degree that becomes negative for normal social interaction. Human nature is inherently tribal, so promoting themes of ethnic dissimilarity among young minds is a dicey undertaking.

Public education once served to teach kids the shared values of the community, well described by Victor Davis Hanson in a 2002 recollection of his school experience, The Civic Education America Needs. Even though his 1960’s California valley classroom was 2/3 Mexican-born or -descended, all kids learned American history as a heritage worthy of pride. The inclusive education of earlier times served to define the national community of Americans — unlike the divisive ethnic obsessions of today’s curriculum.


Complete text linked here.

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