Barney Frank Compares Tea Party to Al Qaeda

The latest issue of Al-Qaeda’s Inspire magazine spotlights “Barney Frank, Gay Congressman, Symbol of the American Dream” to argue that the United States is “a nation standing on no values.”

What an idiot. Doesn’t he realize liberals are in bed with terrorists?

Check it out:

Former Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., responding to al-Qaeda’s criticism of his sexual orientation in the latest issue of their magazine, compared the terrorist organization to the Tea Party and cracked that the two groups are “aligned” with each other against gay marriage.

“I wonder how the right wing in America feels about being aligned with al-Qaeda?” Frank said to Buzzfeed, adding that “there is an irony that the most active anti-gay [groups] are al-Qaeda and the American right-wing.”


Complete text linked here.

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