Time to stretch neck of jihadist punk by Ted Nugent

There is nothing swift or just about our justice system. Turtles are speed demons compared to American jurisprudence, which has been hijacked by soulless lawyers and is being terrorized by years and years of intentionally engineered costly delays.

If the bombing, killings and maiming of Bostonians by the two voodoo whack-job jihadists in Boston isn’t maddening enough, the next tsunami of insults should drive any American addicted to common sense crazy.

The jihadist punk in custody is obviously guilty of committing murder, terrorist acts and a whole book of other crimes, but he won’t be brought to justice.

Justice is supposed to be swift. At least that’s how our Founding Fathers thought it should be.

Imagine if this jihadist punk had basically committed the same crimes 150 years ago. He would have been swinging from an oak tree in Boston Common no longer than 60 days from the date of his arrest. That would be justice.

But that won’t happen to this guilty voodoo vermin. If he’s ever executed, it will be many years from now after our so-called justice system goes through its strange eternal, time-wasting, court-and-lawyer maneuvers from hell. The ugly truth is that by the time this voodoo punk is executed, America will probably have had to deal with any number of other bombings and killings by other voodoo nuts.


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