Open immigration invites terrorism, again by Tom Tancredo

Considering the shockingly low priority attached to border security in the Schumer-Rubio amnesty bill, it ought to be titled the “Jihadists Empowerment Act of 2013.”

Sen. Chuck Schumer

Surprise! Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York and other guardians of political correctness have declared a taboo against linking the two jihadist Muslim terrorists in Boston to our failed immigration policies.

Two young Muslim immigrants have been identified as the culprits behind the Boston Marathon slaughter. Using homemade “backpack” bombs constructed on the models in al-Qaida training manuals, they killed three people, maimed a dozen others and injured over 170. Yet, our nation’s lawmakers are not supposed to worry about how the immigration system allows legal entry to thousands of individuals from territories infested with jihadist training camps?

Sen. Schumer has reasons to be worried. His 844-page amnesty bill is in enough trouble already without these uninvited guests crashing the Schumer-Rubio Happy Hour.

Americans not infected by the common disease Potomac Myopia can connect the dots. Ordinary folk assume that a successful immigration system should afford protection against jihadists, not a welcome mat. When citizens say they want our broken immigration system fixed, they think that means securing our borders, real enforcement of immigration laws and better screening against jihadists gaining legal status by way of a green card.

The political reaction to the horrific news out of Boston should serve to alert Americans to this unpleasant fact: Sens. Schumer, Rubio and other members of the “Gang of Eight” have different priorities. Most citizens will be shocked to find out that the bill this “Gang” introduced this past week, S.744, actually makes it easier, not more difficult, to enter the United States illegally and then obtain legal status and citizenship.


Complete text linked here.

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