El Paso County(CO) Sheriff Terry Maketa Rips Obama

“Our president is an embarrassment to our free society and so are his puppets. The next election will show just that. The president’s posturing and agenda were truly seen for what they are, more lies and false promises, most importantly an agenda based on undeliverable promises.” Sheriff Terry Maketa

I am truly appalled at the president’s claim that 90% of Americans support the proposed gun control laws. His speech writer should be fired. He claims these bills would have prevented another Sandy Hook or Aurora shooting, yet he has no evidence to support that claim. Factually speaking, the proposed laws in Colorado would not have prevented one incident, nor would the Federal proposed bills. Don’t forget one of the sponsors, Congresswoman DeGette, actually thought magazines were the same as bullets. That’s the kind of familiarity those who sponsor these bills have with the subject.

Mr. President, just because the polls tell you what buzz phrases to use to seek your agenda, it does not mean the American people are so naive to follow your continuous record of lies. Remember there are many of us that remember the day you promised to reduce the National deficit by 50%, and you did far more damage and tripled it with nothing to show but more people reliant on your handouts. The people are onto you and we will remember this at election time as you asked in your latest hollywood type speech. Here in Colorado, and at the federal level, your puppets will be removed from office and your legacy will be remembered in history as the ultimate failure based on lie after lie. Yes, your so-called promise of change is more lies, debt, and higher taxes on the middle class to pay for your failed promises. Please tout more successes of Chicago, such as their tax rates, the upside down pension fund, number of homicides, clearance rates or lack of clearances.


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