‘I Don’t Trust the Government’: Ted Nugent Tells CNN What He Thinks of Senate’s Gun Bill (and Recommends Eric Holder Be Arrested) [Video]

“Well, if you want to stop gun trafficking why don’t we go after the guy trafficking guns? That would be Eric Holder,” Nugent shot back, clearly referring to Operation Fast and Furious where 2,000 guns were allowed to walk across the U.S.-Mexico border.

Sporting a graying beard and his signature camouflage hat, rocker and gun rights advocate Ted Nugent on Thursday dismissed the Senate’s gun control bill as a “feel-good measure” that won’t stop any shootings. Towards the end of his interview on CNN, Nugent recommended that Attorney General Eric Holder be arrested for gun trafficking.

“I don’t support the bill. I agree with the 90-plus percent of the law enforcement heroes out there, the real warriors of the street, that reject this as a feel-good measure ,” Nugent said bluntly. “I reject it out of hand as a feel-good measure that’s not going to accomplish anything. It won’t stop any shootings, that’s for sure.”

Nugent said he supports police enforcing the gun laws that are already on the books, rather than adding even more regulations. The Senate gun bill would expand background checks and likely include amendments from senators in both parties.

CNN’s Erin Burnett then asked Nugent about New York’s new gun legislation that allows police to confiscate firearms from people who are determined to be mentally ill. TheBlaze has reported on the instance where a law-abiding gun owner’s guns were confiscated by mistake in New York.


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