Unprecedented rally for immigration reform planned for Wednesday

This year’s rally is being put together by nearly 50 local and national organizations, including CASA de Maryland, United Farm Workers of America, Interfaith Immigration Coalition, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and National Education Association.

Thousands of people will participate in a rally at the nation’s capital on Wednesday to advocate for an immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship.

Rosa Maria Soto, a mother of five, is one of the 11 million undocumented immigrants who would benefit from immigration reform.

She made the decision to come to the United States in 1999 shortly after a small store she owned in Mexico was robbed at gunpoint while she was working. She spent the next decade living in Arizona and hiding her immigration status because she feared she would get deported.

Soto said it was the passage of Arizona’s tough immigration law in 2010 that encouraged her to lose that fear and reveal she is undocumented. She began joining various organizations in fighting for immigrant rights. Now, she leads an organization called Parents and Youth in Action that advocates for immigration reform and immigrant rights.

“I can’t stay with my eyes closed knowing that there are many families that are suffering,” she told VOXXI about why she became involved. “I think it’s very unjust to see how children, instead of simply having to worry about going to school and playing, are worried about their parents being deported.”

Thousands to rally for immigration reform at the nation’s capital

On Wednesday, she will join thousands of people at a rally in Washington, D.C., to advocate for an immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants like her.


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