GOP Hispanic outreach runs afoul of ObamaCare

The view of the Hispanic voting majority painted by this article is pretty dismal. They don’t care about costs to taxpayers, infringements upon personal liberty, or Big Government promises that cannot be kept. They have an astonishing degree of trust that the maternal State will work out all the pesky little details:

As Republicans hammer out the details of a “comprehensive immigration reform” plan that will attract support from Hispanic voters, the L.A. Times takes a sober look at the actual political views of this ostensibly Republican-friendly constituency… and finds they are “among the strongest backers of President Obama’s health care law,” to the tune of 48 percent favorable vs. 19 percent unfavorable.

That’s far higher support than one will find among the general population. The Republican Party is both philosophically opposed to ObamaCare, and politically hoping to rally overall public dismay with the program into votes in the next few elections. It seems as if that plan will put them on the wrong side of both the existing Latino voting population and the immense new wave of voters that will soon be naturalized. (Does anyone outside of the Republican consultant class really think those 11 or 12 million people can be held in a quasi-legal non-voting status for decades?)

Republican optimism about navigating the political obstacle of ObamaCare clashes with the sober pessimism of pollsters in the L.A. Times piece:

Republican National Committee spokeswoman Alexandra Franceschi expressed confidence that Latinos would ultimately recognize that the law raises costs and burdens businesses. “We’re going to do a better job explaining why this law is negatively affecting all Americans, including the Hispanic community,” she said.


Complete text linked here.

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