At CPAC, filmmakers explain why the right gets it wrong in Hollywood

“In the words of my friend Andrew Breitbart, ‘If you can’t sell freedom and liberty, you suck,’” said John Sullivan, co- director of “2016: Obama’s America” the slick Dinesh D’Souza documentary that made millions at the box office last year.

“Hating Brietbart” director Andrew Marcus, right, greets the audience at Friday’s CPAC panel on “Getting Hollywood Right” as producers Gerald Molen and Mark Joseph look on.

Conservatives, here’s one way to win elections: “If you want to win the politics, win the culture war first,” said filmmaker Andrew Marcus, director of “Hating Breitbart.”

The advice came at Friday’s Conservative Political Action Conference’s panel on “Getting Hollywood Right” a discussion on why liberals dominate the movie and television industry. The answer: They’re better at it.

“In the words of my friend Andrew Breitbart, ‘If you can’t sell freedom and liberty, you suck,’” said John Sullivan, co- director of “2016: Obama’s America” the slick Dinesh D’Souza documentary that made millions at the box office last year.

This panel of conservatives — Marcus, Sullivan, producers Mark Joseph (upcoming biopic “Reagan”) and Gerald Molen (”Schindler’s List”), and consultant Pat Caddell (“West Wing”) — all agreed on one thing: The right, for the most part, makes lousy (cheap, preachy, didactic) movies and TV.

“Do you people want to win? Or do you just want to entertain yourselves?” Caddell asked the CPAC audience. He brandished a copy of “Dreams from My Real Father,” a low-budget documentary that claims the president is the secret son of a communist. This, said Caddell, is what not to do.


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