Marine Le Pen: “The Internet is an incredible opportunity”

Very followed on social networks, the president of the National Front leads the Grand Prix of the e-reputation in all categories. Increased popularity by the dynamism of Web Frontists.

Google translation from original French article.

Spread the word. Yes, Marine Le Pen is a twitteuse, a lover of the Net and even Aficionada social networks. “I am a woman of my time, I tweet myself but not too abused. I feel very comfortable in this world,” she says Metro. In fact, the owner of the National Front counters explodes all categories of Grand Prix of e-reputation .

And if the last presidential campaign is very much in the number of occurrences found in the e-media, we must admit that the National Front is well known user of web tools, and for a long time. “We were the first political party to have a website in the early 1990s, likes to remind Marine Le Pen. And I am even more proud to be leading the rankings that we only have to a small team of two people to take care of the Internet. ”

First on Facebook, Twitter second

A small team assisted, according Marine Le Pen, a large number of Frontists, she agrees to come and speak on the Net. “We are an anti-system. We do not have the same access as other parties to traditional media. For us who are a party poor, the Internet is an incredible opportunity. This is why I am very active, I keep abreast of everything all the time. ”


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