The New Guard: Rising leaders bring Constitution new life (Video)

“Let me give you some really good news,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “Yesterday we had Rand Paul go in front of the Senate and do Jimmy Stewart. All of a sudden we saw a guy act out Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.”

Optimism has been in short supply lately on the Glenn Beck Radio Program. But in light of Senator Rand Paul’s epic filibuster yesterday, Glenn was cautiously optimistic this morning.

“Let me give you some really good news,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “Yesterday we had Rand Paul go in front of the Senate and do Jimmy Stewart. All of a sudden we saw a guy act out Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.”

While Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain were chowing down with the President, Senator Paul and a few of his friends stood in front of the world and proved that, at least for now, the Constitution has a fighting chance.

Glenn likened the state of today’s Republican Party to the state of the Democratic Party 10 years ago, when the leftists and progressives, like Cass Sunstein and Jan Schakowsky, were able to infiltrate the party once and for all.

“The Republicans could have gone down that same road and still might, where they just are, they’ll just be adopted into this new progressive kind of Republican Party that’s not really new,” Glenn said. But “Rand Paul stood… A new alliance was born last night of honest people that know that it is about individual rights and individual responsibilities. You have a responsibility to stand.”


Video and complete text linked here.

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