Chicago Teachers Union demands end of standardized testing

With propositions to tie teacher pay to student achievement gaining popularity among education reformers, teachers unions have stepped up efforts to end standardized testing. Without tests, administrators will have no data upon which to base merit pay for teachers.

The Chicago Teachers Union urged school administrators nationwide to discontinue the use of standardized tests, deriding them as corporate tools.

The CTU recently released a report arguing that standardized tests are a faulty measure of student achievement. They also advance a pro-corporate agenda, the report said.

“Corporate interests continue to push towards a test?centered public education system that is clearly harmful to students,” according to the report.

The union’s anti-testing push is part of a broader campaign by teachers unions nationwide. Teachers at one Seattle high school recently went on strike, refusing to administer a test that they feared would be used to hold them accountable. (RELATED: Seattle teachers go on strike, refuse to test students)

Anti-testing efforts have also appeared in Providence, Rhode Island, and Portland, Oregon.


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