Legacy’s Media Offspring And Heir: Citizen Journalism

“The news of the world was being given forth through this invisible trumpet to the waiting crowds in the unseen marketplace,” – Detroit News reporting on the successful broadcast of the first new program by 8MK, Detroit, Michigan on August 31, 1920

On a basic level, Rawporter is a mobile app that let’s you take a photo or video of what you see or witness and upload to an online marketplace where bloggers, media outlets, ad agencies — or anyone looking for content — can buy and use it in print, broadcast, ad campaigns, etc.

But it’s much more than that. Rawporter is an equalizer, a conduit, a transformer, a tool of the new media evolution taking place minute-by-minute around the world. It’s the panacea for an industry that doesn’t know where to go.

We are in the midst of a global transformation of content and news aggregation, curation and distribution. Since the first radio news program was broadcast by 8MK (owned by the Detroit News) in 1920 in Detroit, Michigan, (Wired) we have formed our opinions on what was happening around the based on the collage of images and words a select set of traditional broadcasters painted for us. Today, we don’t rely on that paternal-esqe flow of news, we’re informed by our network of local and international sources who we deem relevant.

Kevin Davis, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder, Rawporter says legacy media continue to ignore the changes taking place in real time every day.

Social has changed everything and the media landscape needs to change along with it – it’s baffling to me they don’t address it. Today, we’re witnessing an evolution on the monetization and consumption of news and content – Kevin Davis, CEO and co-founder, Rawporter


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