Breitbart News to Launch ‘The Conversation’

When we first sat down to redesign the website, The Conversation was always a central part of Andrew Breitbart’s vision. He loved dialogue and the free flow of ideas. He loved conversation and was a always a fierce proponent of more voices, not fewer—so don’t be surprised to read some alternative political views.

Note from Senior Management:

On Wednesday of this week, Breitbart News will be launching a new feature/vertical on our website called “The Conversation.” Look for it in the navigation bar.

The Conversation will be a place where our readers can watch an ongoing dialogue amongst a select group of thought leaders that includes Ace of Spades, Iowahawk, David Webb, Javier Manjarres of Shark Tank, DocZero, Nice Deb, Jerome Hudson, Lisa De Pasquale, William A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection, and Adam Baldwin, along with John Nolte, Ben Shapiro, Larry O’Connor, Sonnie Johnson, Liberty Chick, Jon David Kahn, as well as other writers and contributors from Breitbart News.

Also, look for regular guest contributors stopping by—there are sure to be some nice surprises, and we fully expect the roster to expand and evolve—incorporating more friends and more leading voices from inside and outside the company.


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