Obama Supporter Brags About Illegal Foreign Donations on President’s Own Website

With a new Government Accountability Institute (GAI) report highlighting the threat of foreign online campaign donations making a buzz throughout the Beltway, Breitbart News has discovered blog entries on President Obama’s official website that highlight the pervasiveness of the problem.

Just last week, a Canadian woman writing on President Obama’s official campaign website claims she made a campaign donation to the Obama campaign during the last election and that she intends to do so this time as well—a clear violation of U.S. election laws, unless an individual is a permanent resident or has achieved permanent resident commuter status:

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“I had donated to the original campaign and will again,” she writes. “I would also give my vote but alas I am a Canadian… but am a staunch supporter of the Obama-Biden Team.”

The Obama blog has since deleted all comments on the thread, but not before Breitbart News screen captured them (see above).

In another entry, a supporter comforts a noncitizen lamenting the fact they cannot vote or donate directly to Obama. In lieu of contributing to Obama, the consoler tells the foreigner, they should instead make a donation to the Democratic National Committee—an act that is illegal for noncitizens.


Complete text linked here.

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