Perspectives: Groupthink, how to create crimes of opinion

To understand what is happening in this sensitivity training, one must first recognize the consensus building and group manipulation techniques that are being employed. Professional alarmists like the SPLC rely on tolerance workshops to conduct a not-so-subtle form of psychological warfare.

Say it isn’t so. The Canyons School District in northern Utah is back in the news thanks to another politically correct flap over Chick-fil-A donating food to a Draper elementary school, opponents decrying the school’s acceptance of the donated lunches as a perceived alignment with the Chick-fil-A CEO’s value statements.

The Canyons is the same district that was in the spotlight last year when a student at Alta High School jokingly donned a white pillowcase with eyeholes during a school pep assembly.

Was it a silly thing to do? Absolutely.

Was it an act that could be interpreted as making light of what a Klansman might wear? Yes.

Was it an act of overt racism aimed directly at the school’s minorities? Hardly.

But in the age of political correctness, never underestimate the willingness of opportunists to take offense to dizzying new heights.

The anti-racism witch-hunt that followed would see both the Principal and Assistant Principal of Alta High placed on leave and both eventually leaving the school. Meanwhile, the Canyons School District’s office of civil rights sought to find and punish the student who had worn the pillowcase.


Complete text linked here.

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