“Remember, we’re fighting for the future, we’re fighting for history,” Dana Loesch to FreePAC crowd

“That’s ours now. We took over talk radio, we took over cable news. One of my favorite things, we took over your internets, liberals!” Dana Loesch

Dana Loesch sure knows how to fire up a crowd. The talk radio host and frequent guest on GBTV is no stranger to controversy with the mainstream media – after all, calling out their false narratives and distortions of the truth is a big part of her job over at Breitbart.com. And tonight was no different. Dana delivered a rousing speech to the packed house at American Airlines arena that held the feet of the media to the fire.

Loesch didn’t wait long to blast the media and their desire to ignore the truth to fit their own agenda. She blasted ABC’s chief “investigative” corespondent Brian Ross for incorrectly connecting the “Dark Knight” shooter to the Tea Party last week.

“What I find absolutely reprehensible, is when we have what is supposed to be the watchdog for the people decide to make another new set of victims in its reporting – its reckless, it’s malicious, slanderous reporting. And that’s what happened, another set of victims was created after the Aurora shooting,” Loesch said to massive crowd.

Ross’s “craptastic” reporting, as she described it, wasn’t the only one taken down by Mrs. Loesch on stage tonight. Loesch cited several examples where the media attempted to blame the Tea Party for violence. Examples like the shooting last year in Tuscan, AZ where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot, which resulted in the lives of Tea Party leaders being threatened.


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